A true knight has a chivalrous side to temper his strength and prowess in combat. Both are equally important in every day life for a knight during the middle ages. When going into battle a knight was usually equipped with a shield and a sword. The arming sword aka knightly sword was the most common sword like the one we have here. It was a single handed cruciform sword commonly used between ca. 1000 to 1350 AD. Although some remnant usage did continue into the 16th century.
This Knightly sword is made from 1060 carbon steel with a straight cruciform cross-guard and circular pommel. The grip is wood that has faux leather wrapping on it ensuring a easy and secure grip. A fuller runs down the middle almost the 3/4 length of the blade. This sword is full tang and battle ready with a peened pommel. Peening is the method historically used for most of the pre-industrial era. It fixes the pommel permanently to the tang. This durable blade is strong and ready for re-enactments or tournaments. Included is a wooden scabbard with a rexin wrap and aluminium locket and chape. Whether you are looking for sword for real use or one for show and display you cannot go wrong with this arming knightly sword.
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